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Our People


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Headshot of Abby Jennrich

Abby Jennrich

Assistant Vice President

Executive Liability

Abby Yarbo

Talent Acquisition Specialist

Human Resources

Adam Lantrip

Executive Vice President, Professional & Cyber Solutions Practice Leader

Executive Liability

Aidan Fenner

Senior Analyst, Transactional Liability

M&A Transactional Solutions

smiling photo of alan peterson

Alan Peterson

Senior Vice President

Executive Liability

smiling photo of alec pratt

Alec Pratt

Vice President

Natural Resources

Alex Call headshot

Alex Call

Account Manager

Property & Casualty

Alex Luxenburg

Senior Vice President

M&A Transactional Solutions

Alex Whipple

Senior Vice President

Senior Living

Alexandra Anton

Associate Account Executive, Financial Lines

Executive Liability

Alice Muzii

Senior Account Manager

Executive Liability

smiling photo of allison fernandez

Allison Buckley

Account Executive

Executive Liability

smiling photo of amanda cochran

Amanda Cochran

Senior Vice President

Executive Liability

Amanda Hochberg

Assistant Vice President, Cyber & E&O Practice

Professional & Cyber Solutions

smiling photo of amanda lania

Amanda Lania

Senior Vice President

Natural Resources

Amira Al-Zaben

Junior Account Manager, Natural Resources

Natural Resources

smiling photo of amy jones

Amy McGuire Jones

Senior Account Manager, Oil & Gas

Natural Resources

smiling photo of andre eichenholtz

Andre Eichenholtz

Executive Vice President and Diligence & Portfolio Solutions Leader

M&A Diligence and Portfolio Solutions

smiling photo of andrea ash

Andrea Ash

Chief Operating Officer

Natural Resources

Andrew Mutter

Executive Vice President, Contingent Risk Practice Leader

Contingent Risk

smiling photo of andrew rowling

Andrew Rowling

Vice President

Executive Liability

Annette Gallegos, ARM

SVP, Account Executive

Natural Resources

April Springfield

Senior Vice President, Associate General Counsel

Claims Services

Ashely Deal

Senior Vice President, CAC Specialty Marketing Leader


Ashraf Mathkour

Vice President, Technology Practice


Audrey Brown

Analyst, Transactional Liability

Executive Liability

smiling photo of auston mccausland

Austin McCausland

Assistant Vice President

Executive Liability

smiling photo of bain head

Bain Head

Executive Vice President

Executive Liability

Barrett Wills

Account Executive

Professional & Cyber Solutions

Barry Donnelly

Vice President, Senior Risk Engineer

Property & Casualty

Headshot of Ben Gerber

Ben Gerber

Vice President

Tax Insurance

smiling photo of betsy beck

Betsy Beck

Senior Account Manager

Executive Liability

smiling photo of bill chappell

Bill Chappell

Executive Vice President, Power & Renewables

Natural Resources

smiling photo of william kroupa

Billy Kroupa

Senior Vice President

Special Situations Group

Blake Lane

Senior Graphic Designer


smiling photo of bob trinkleback

Bob Trinkleback

Vice President and Leader of Property and Casualty Loss Control

Loss Control

smiling photo of brad kotlewski

Brad Kotlewski

Senior Vice President

Business Development

smiling photo of brad mcdonald

Brad McDonald

Executive Vice President

Executive Liability

Brandon Santulli

Assistant Vice President, Tax Practice Operations Manager

Tax Insurance

Brian Clay

Executive Vice President, Practice Leader Human Capital Risk

Human Capital Risk

smiling photo of brian hood

Brian Hood

Executive Vice President

Executive Liability

smiling photo of brian lu

Brian Lu

Senior Vice President

M&A Diligence and Portfolio Solutions

Brooke Eades

Associate Account Executive, Senior Living

Senior Living

smiling photo of bruce denson jr

Bruce Denson, Jr


Executive Management

smiling photo of bruce launey

Bruce Launey

Vice President, Transactional Liability Operations & Analytics

M&A Transactional Solutions

Cameron Golding Headshot

Cameron Golding

Account Manager, Power & Renewables

Natural Resources

Cameron Martin

Senior Vice President

Business Development

Headshot of Candi Hild

Candi Hild

Bond Specialist

Natural Resources

Cara McCall

Senior Vice President, Brand & Content Strategy


Carl Swan

Executive Vice President

Senior Living

Carla Zeitoune

AVP, Claims Advocate

Executive Liability

Carolina Porter headshot

Carolina Porter

Claims Assistant

Claims Services

smiling photo of carrie o'neil

Carrie O’Neil, ESQ.

Chief Legal Officer

Executive Liability

smiling photo of cathy breitman

Cathy Breitman

Account Manager

Executive Liability

Cavan Maguire

Junior Account Manager, Special Situations Group

Special Situations Group

Charles J. Scheerer

Executive Vice President

Business Development

smiling photo of chelley schaper

Chelley Schaper

Executive Vice President, P&C Head of National Accounts

Property & Casualty

Chirag Patel

Account Executive, Vice President

Natural Resources

Chloe Schilling headshot

Chloe Schilling

Associate Account Executive

Property & Casualty

smiling photo of chris jacks

Chris Jacks

Managing Director

Structured Solutions & Financings

Chris Trotter

Chief Financial Officer

Executive Management

smiling photo of christine clark

Christine Johnson

Vice President

Executive Liability

Cindy Irwin

Director of Talent Acquisition & Workforce Planning

Human Resources

Claudia Mayorga

Senior Account Manager

Executive Liability

smiling photo of cobie lunsford

Cobie Lunsford

Account Executive

Executive Liability

smiling photo of cody thompson

Cody Thompson

Vice President, Power & Renewables

Natural Resources

smiling photo of colin daly

Colin Daly

Executive Vice President & Financial Lines Practice Co-Leader

Executive Liability

Headshot of Colin Emerson

Colin Emerson

Director of Strategic Planning & Corporate Development

Property & Casualty

smiling photo of connor strickland

Connor Strickland

Senior Graphic Manager


Cooper Viancos

Junior Account Manager, Natural Resources

Natural Resources

smiling photo of corey robison

Corey Robison

Executive Vice President

Property & Casualty

Cory French

HR Manager

Human Resources

smiling photo of Courtney anderson

Courtney Andersson

Associate Account Executive

Professional & Cyber Solutions

smiling photo of courtney cassidy

Courtney Cassidy

Account Executive

Natural Resources

Crystal Wellborn

Account Manager

Property & Casualty

Headshot of Crystal Wilkins

Crystal Wilkins

Marketing Communications Specialist


smiling photo of dameion baker

Dameion Baker

Senior Vice President

Property & Casualty

Headshot of Dan Wentz

Dan Wentz

Field Marketing Manager


smiling photo of danielle butterfield

Danielle Butterfield

Associate Vice President, Portfolio Solutions Select Clients

M&A Diligence and Portfolio Solutions

smiling photo of danny michaels

Danny Michaels

Senior Vice President, Property Risk Engineering

Loss Control

smiling photo of darren sonderman

Darren Sonderman

Executive Vice President & Financial Lines Co-Practice Leader

Executive Liability

Headshot of David Morgan

Dave Morgan

Senior Vice President

Business Development

smiling photo of david barnes

David Barnes

EVP, Representations & Warranties Insurance Practice Leader

Contingent Risk

smiling photo of david frediani

David Frediani

Senior Advisor


smiling photo of david mcmahan

David McMahan

Senior Vice President

Executive Liability

smiling photo of david payne

David Payne

Chief Revenue Officer

Executive Management

David Thurber Headshot

David Thurber

Senior Vice President, Legal

Senior Living

Demi Traikovich

Vice President

Business Development

Headshot of Doug Turk

Doug Turk

Chief Marketing Officer

Executive Management

smiling photo of duncan cummings

Duncan Cummings

Senior Vice President

Business Development

Dustin Smith

Senior Vice President

Business Development

Ebony Williams

Account Manager

M&A Diligence and Portfolio Solutions

smiling photo of edward krayer

Edward Krayer

Senior Vice President

Business Development

Eliza Hacke

Professional & Cyber Solutions Account Administrator

Professional & Cyber Solutions

Elizabeth Neumann

Senior Vice President, Managing Claims Counsel

Claims Services

Elizabeth Orfila

Sr. Account Manager, National Accounts

Property & Casualty

smiling photo of ellen holtz

Ellen Holtz

Assistant Vice President, M&A Due Diligence Consultant

PE Human Capital Risk Consulting

Ellis McConn

Vice President

Natural Resources

smiling photo of emily snedeke

Emily Snedeker

Actuarial Analyst

Data & Analytics

Eric Deng Headshot

Eric Deng

Project Manager

M&A Diligence and Portfolio Solutions

Eric Hiatt

Senior Vice President

Business Development

Eric Joost

Chief Operating Officer

Executive Management

Headshot of Eric McGinnes

Eric McGinnes

Property Claims Advocate

Claims Services

smiling photo of eriel yeldell

Eriel Yeldell

Assistant Account Manager

Natural Resources

smiling photo of erin lynch

Erin Lynch


Natural Resources

Erin McDevitt

Senior Vice President


smiling photo of eva sciammetta

Eva Tochterman

Senior Vice President

M&A Diligence and Portfolio Solutions

smiling photo of fred smith

Fred Smith

Executive Vice President, Head of Mining & Metals

Natural Resources

Gabe Levitt

Executive Vice President

Business Development

Gabe Lopez

Account Executive, Senior Living

Senior Living

Gage Dyer

Account Executive

Professional & Cyber Solutions

smiling photo of gary king

Gary King

Executive Chairman

Natural Resources

smiling photo of gavin shiels

Gavin Shiels

Senior Vice President

Property & Casualty

smiling photo of geraldine kerrigan

Geraldine Kerrigan

Executive Vice President, Service Team Leader, Power & Renewables

Natural Resources

Grant Nichols

Senior Vice President


Grantland Rice, IV

Chief Administrative Officer

Executive Management

Greg McCollister

Senior Vice President

Executive Liability

Gregory Schilz

Executive Vice President and Environmental Practice Leader


Hamed Khashayar

Vice President

M&A Transactional Solutions

Hannah Bradley

Event Marketing Manager


Hatton Abernathy

Associate Account Executive, Financial Lines

Executive Liability

Helen Dillen

Account Manager

M&A Diligence and Portfolio Solutions

Isaura Del Carmen

Senior Tax Analyst, Tax Insurance Practice

Tax Insurance

smiling photo of jacalyn kourpa

Jacalyn Kroupa, ESQ

Senior Vice President

Executive Liability

Jack Leventhal

Senior Managing Director

Structured Solutions & Financings

smiling photo of jack meikle

Jack Meikle

Account Executive, Oil & Gas

Natural Resources

smiling photo of jackie gaulin

Jackie Gaulin

Account Manager

M&A Diligence and Portfolio Solutions

Jackson Briggs headshot

Jackson Briggs

Associate Account Executive

Special Situations Group

Jami Morrow

Junior Account Manager, Natural Resources

Natural Resources

smiling photo of janalee clark

Janalee Clark

Senior Account Manager, Mining & Metals

Natural Resources

smiling photo of janet medrano

Janet Medrano

Senior Vice President

Property & Casualty

Jason Horwitz

Executive Vice President and Special Situations Group Practice Leader

Special Situations Group

Jeff Eggleston

Independent Consultant

Natural Resources

Jeff Samuels

Senior Vice President, Practice Leader

Business Development

smiling photo of jennie porter

Jennie Porter

Claims Advocate

Claims Services

Jennifer Remmen, CEBS

Client Executive, Human Capital Risk

Human Capital Risk

Jennifer Schaeffer

Senior Vice President, Technology Practice Leader


Jennifer Thomassen

Transparent Benefits Consulting Team Client Executive

PE Human Capital Risk Consulting

Headshot of Jessica Lamar

Jessica Lamar

Vice President

Professional & Cyber Solutions

smiling photo of jessie friend

Jessie Friend

Senior Vice President & Head of Transactional Liability Claims

M&A Transactional Solutions

smiling photo of jill broughton

Jill Broughton

Senior Account Manager

Natural Resources

Jim Biggins Headshot

Jim Biggins

Senior Vice President, Director of Risk Engineering

Natural Resources

smiling photo of jim willians

Jim Williams

Vice President, Loss Control & Survey

Natural Resources

smiling photo of jo doan

Jo Doan

Account Executive

Natural Resources

Joe Surette

Executive Vice President

Business Development

John Hohlt

Executive Vice President, Head of Surety

Natural Resources

smiling photo of josh kim

John Kim

Senior Vice President


John Kosir

Senior Vice President

M&A Transactional Solutions

smiling photo of john madia

John Madia

Managing Director

Structured Solutions & Financings

Headshot of John Olson

John Olson

Vice President

Executive Liability

headshot of John Ritter

John Ritter

Senior Vice President

Natural Resources

Headshot of John Robertson

John Robertson

Senior Vice President, Environmental Practice


John Stanley

Vice President, M&A Due Diligence and Consulting Team Lead

PE Human Capital Risk Consulting

smiling photo of john wilhoit

John Wilhoit

Retirement Consulting Team Lead

401k Consulting

John Wilson

Senior Vice President

Structured Solutions & Financings

Jordan Tamchin

Executive Vice President, Tax Insurance Practice Leader

M&A Transactional Solutions

Headshot of Joshua Emmett

Josh Emmett

Vice President

Tax Insurance

Josh Kirklin

Executive Vice President, Oil & Gas Co-Leader

Natural Resources

smiling photo of joshua jakubowski

Joshua Jakubowski

Vice President Account Executive, Mining Claims and Account Management

Natural Resources

smiling photo of jourdan higgins

Jourdan Higgins

Vice President

Structured Solutions & Financings

smiling photo of justin schwenk

Justin Schwenk

Account Executive

Executive Liability

Justin Sharp

Vice President

Natural Resources

Justin Treat

Senior Vice President, Oil & Gas

Natural Resources

Headshot of Karah McNally

Karah McNally

Junior Account Manager

Senior Living

Kari Carter, MPS, SHRM-CP

HR Consultant

Human Resources

Headshot of Karmanee Governor

Karmanee Governor

Senior Vice President, Healthcare


smiling photo of kate boschi

Kate Boschi

Senior Vice President

Business Development

smiling photo of kate maron

Kathryn Maron

Associate Account Executive

Senior Living

smiling photo of katie flynn

Katie Flynn

Senior Vice President

M&A Diligence and Portfolio Solutions

smiling photo of Katie Langley

Katie Langley

Chief People Officer

Executive Management

smiling photo of katrin haynes

Katrin Haynes

Senior Vice President

M&A Diligence and Portfolio Solutions

Headshot of Kelab Zewedu

Kelab Zewedu

Account Executive

Professional & Cyber Solutions

Kenny Ross

Senior Vice President, COO Private Equity

Private Equity

Kim Williams Headshot

Kim Williams

Junior Account Manager

PE Sponsor Solutions

smiling photo of kimberly rossi

Kimberly Rossi

Senior Account Manager, Oil & Gas

Natural Resources

smiling photo of kim was

Kimberly Was

Associate Account Executive

Property & Casualty

Headshot of Kristian Krebs

Kristian Krebs

Associate Account Executive

Property & Casualty

Kristin Nappi Headshot

Kristin Nappi

Transparent Benefits Consulting Team Consultant

PE Human Capital Risk Consulting

Laine Watson

Vice President, Talent Development

Human Resources

smiling photo of lanette norgan

Lanette Norgan

Senior Vice President

Natural Resources

Headshot of Laura Levin

Laura Levin

Vice President, Claims Counsel

Claims Services

Headshot of Lauren Carroll-Allan

Lauren Carroll-Allan

Vice President, Power & Renewables

Natural Resources

smiling photo of leslie robinson

Leslie Robinson

Account Executive

Professional & Cyber Solutions

Linda Youngerman

SVP, Claims Account Executive, Property & Casualty

Property & Casualty

smiling photo of lindsay carl

Lindsay Carl

Vice President, Oil & Gas

Natural Resources

smiling photo of lindsey roser

Lindsey Roser

Senior Vice President, Claims Advocate

Claims Services

Lisa Harris

Executive Vice President, Oil & Gas Co-Leader

Natural Resources

smiling photo of lisa woodson

Lisa Woodson

Executive Assistant

Executive Liability

smiling photo of liz larsen

Liz Larsen

Vice President

Property & Casualty

smiling photo of lloyd wills

Lloyd Wills

Vice President, Casualty Claims and Analytics

Natural Resources

Logan Cummins

Associate Account Executive

Executive Liability

smiling photo of luke redd

Luke Redd

Vice President

Property & Casualty

smiling photo of madison marquis

Madison Marquis

Business Development Coordinator

Business Development

Maggie Ethridge

Junior Account Manager, Natural Resources

Natural Resources

Makenze Gable

Senior Account Manager, Oil & Gas

Natural Resources

smiling photo of mandy lamay

Mandy LaMay

Vice President, Administration


Mara Totten

Vice President

Executive Liability

smiling photo of marc toy

Marc Toy

Executive Vice President, Power & Renewables

Natural Resources

smiling photo of mari beth ross

Mari Beth Ross

Senior Vice President, Power & Renewables

Natural Resources

Headshot of Marcela Pina

Maricela Piña

Vice President, Account Executive

Executive Liability

Mary Claire Brakefield

Marketing Communications Manager, Natural Resources

Natural Resources

Mary Wong

Senior Vice President, Mining & Metals

Natural Resources

smiling photo of matt movafaghi

Matt Movafaghi

Senior Vice President, Head of Tax Insurance Placements

Tax Insurance

smiling photo of matt white

Matt White

Vice President, Claims Advocate

Property & Casualty

Max Bernstein

Vice President, Contingent Risk

Contingent Risk

smiling photo of max boggini

Max Boggini

Sr Account Manager

Natural Resources

McCahey Townsend

Vice President, Contingent Risk

Contingent Risk

Meg Glenn

Vice President

Property & Casualty

Megan Easley Headshot

Megan Easley

Senior Vice President, Contingent Risk

Contingent Risk

Headshot of Melissa Menard

Melissa Menard

Executive Vice President, Healthcare


Mia Rodriguez Headshot

Mia Rodriguez

Associate Account Executive

Executive Liability

smiling photo of mike ford

Michael Ford

Senior Vice President, Mining

Natural Resources

Michael Levine Headshot

Michael Levine

Associate Vice President

Tax Insurance

Michael Newman

Executive Vice President

Natural Resources

Michael O’Brien

Executive Vice President

Business Development

smiling photo of mike rice

Michael Rice

Chief Executive Officer

Executive Management

Michael Wakefield

Executive Vice President and Transactional Insurance Practice Leader

M&A Transactional Solutions

Michele Fedoruk

Account Executive

Property & Casualty

Michelle Lam

Managing Director

Structured Solutions & Financings

Mike Pithan

Associate Account Executive, Financial Lines

Executive Liability

Michael Prindle headshot

Mike Prindle

Senior Vice President & Leader of Complex Property

Property & Casualty

Headshot of Mike Raskys

Mike Raskys

Vice President, Claims Counsel Legal & Claims

Claims Services

Mike Riehle headshot

Mike Riehle

Senior Vice President & Leader of Complex Casualty

Property & Casualty

smiling photo of mindy magee

Mindy Magee

Assistant Vice President

Executive Liability

Molly Firth

AVP, Transactional Liability Claims Advocate

M&A Transactional Solutions

Nadia Ortega

Bond Specialist

Natural Resources

Natalie Parker

Vice President, Contingent Risk

Contingent Risk

Nate Baseman

Senior Vice President of Analytics

Data & Analytics

Nathan Wonder

Vice President

Natural Resources

Headshot of Naushin Vahora

Naushin Vahora

Senior Marketing Communication Specialist


Nico Gomez

Associate Account Manager, Financial Lines

Executive Liability

smiling photo of nicole hengst

Nicole Hengst

Account Executive

Natural Resources

Nicole Huneau

SVP, Power & Renewables

Natural Resources

smiling photo of oleg chernyshov

Oleg Chernyshov


Structured Solutions & Financings

Olivia Nonnengard Headshot

Olivia Nonnengard

Marketing & Event Management Specialist


smiling photo of patrick cain

Patrick Cain

Vice President

Executive Liability

Paul Sparks

Executive Chairman

Executive Management

smiling photo of paul wendler

Paul Wendler

Senior Vice President

Executive Liability

smiling photo of pete krouse

Pete Krouse

Senior Vice President

Claims Services

Pete Oglesby

Senior Vice President Mortgage Services Practice Leader

Mortgage Industry

Peter Winterburn, Esq.

Senior Vice President, Legal - Healthcare


Phil Lukefahr

Senior Vice President

Natural Resources

Philip Erikson Headshot

Philip Erikson

Operations Consultant

PE Human Capital Risk Consulting

Rachel Beck

Senior Vice President and Sponsors Insurance Practice Leader

Executive Liability

Reem Fares

Vice President, Representations & Warranties Insurance

Representation & Warranty

smiling photo of richard benso

Richard Benson

Account Executive

Executive Liability

Rick Eisenstat

Vice President

Natural Resources

smiling photo of rick moraller

Rick Moraller

Property Broker

Professional & Cyber Solutions

smiling photo of rik goyton

Rik Goyton

Senior Vice President

Executive Liability

Robby Pierce

Jr. Account Manager

Natural Resources

smiling photo of robert carvell

Robert Carvell

Senior Vice President

Natural Resources

Robert Plumb

Executive Vice President, Oil & Gas Co-Leader

Natural Resources

Robert Regueiro

Senior Vice President

Executive Liability

smiling photo of robyn melnyk

Robyn Melnyk

Senior Vice President, Event Management & Field Activation


Rogelio Hernandez

Vice President


Ross Hamann

Executive Vice President

Business Development

smiling photo of ross rodefel

Ross Rodefeld

Senior Vice President

Special Situations Group

smiling photo of ryan herndon

Ryan Herndon

Senior Vice President

Executive Liability

smiling photo of sam garvey

Sam Garvey

Senior Associate Actuary

Data & Analytics

smiling photo of sam levine

Samantha Levine

Senior Vice President, Cyber

Professional & Cyber Solutions

Sandy S. Cridland

Vice President, Managing Claims Advocate

Claims Services

Sara Imbriani

Account Executive

Executive Liability

Sara Kane

Executive Vice President, Power & Renewables Practice Leader

Natural Resources

Sarah Perez

Vice President, Creative Director


Scott Smith

Senior vice President

Business Development

Sean Pender

SVP, Construction & Development

Property & Casualty

smiling photo of senia hernadez

Senia Hernandez

Surety Service Team Manager


smiling photo of shai silverman

Shai Silverman

Senior Vice President, Contingent Risk

Contingent Risk

Shannon Holt

Senior Vice President

Senior Living

smiling photo of shawna hutchinson

Shawna Hutchison

Senior Account Manager

Property & Casualty

smiling photo of stacy leathers

Stacy Leathers

Claims Advocate

Claims Services

smiling photo of stephanie snyder

Stephanie Snyder Frenier

Senior Vice President

Professional & Cyber Solutions

smiling photo of steve goodman

Steve Goodman

Senior Vice President, Property Risk Engineering

Loss Control

smiling photo of steve kuuskvere

Steve Kuuskvere

Senior Vice President

Business Development

Steven Wilhelmsen

Assistant Vice President

Financial Institutions

smiling photo of sue danz

Sue Danz

Director of Administration

Natural Resources

smiling photo of susan garrard

Susan Garrard

Executive Vice President

Natural Resources

Headshot of Susan Reese

Susan Reese

Account Executive

Senior Living

smiling photo of tanya starkey

Tanya Starkey

Executive Assistant/Office Manager


Taylour Donovan Headshot

Taylour Donovan

Senior Vice President

Executive Liability

Tennille Hillebrand

Senior Account Manager, Healthcare


Teresa Thompson

Assistant Vice President, Claims Counsel

Claims Services

smiling photo of terry wilson

Terry Wilson

Senior Account Manager

M&A Diligence and Portfolio Solutions

Thomas Bonfiglio

Senior Vice President

M&A Transactional Solutions

smiling photo of toi deshay

Toi Deshay

Account Executive

Professional & Cyber Solutions

Tom O’Leary

Senior Vice President

Business Development

photo of tom power

Tom Power

Senior Vice President

Executive Liability

smiling photo of tony nguyen

Tony Nguyen

Senior Account Manager, Oil & Gas

Natural Resources

Travis Naftzger

Senior Vice President

Business Development

Trey Kellett

Senior Vice President, Power and Renewables

Natural Resources

Tyler Daughtry

Junior Account Manager

Natural Resources

Ursula Moran

Account Manager

Professional & Cyber Solutions

Headshot of Vanessa Lolli

Vanessa Lolli

PHR, SHRM-CP, Vice President, HR Consulting Team Senior Consultant

PE Human Capital Risk Consulting

smiling photo of vanessa smith

Vannessa Smith

Vice President

Professional & Cyber Solutions

smiling photo of vara pikor

Vara Cybart

Vice President


smiling photo of veronica ferriera

Veronica Ferreira

Senior Vice President

M&A Diligence and Portfolio Solutions

Victoria Doan

Junior Account Manager, Natural Resources

Natural Resources

Vince Mutolo

Senior Managing Director

Structured Solutions & Financings

smiling photo of wayne hoffman

Wayne Hoffmann

Senior Vice President

M&A Diligence and Portfolio Solutions

Wendy Lane

Independent Manager

Executive Management